Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to the opening of what promises to be another great school year!  I hope you enjoyed the summer and relaxing with your families.

It sure did seem to speed by this year and even though we hate to see it end, I hope you are excited about the 2015-2016 school year!

School improvements – This school year will see the construction of the much anticipated General Purpose Room. There has been a working group of parents set up to oversee this project in conjunction with the Board of Management and our architect. We hope to keep the school community updated throughout the build and ask for your understanding and cooperation while work is being carried out.

Staff Changes – Ms. Karen Kelly has taken a career break this year. We wish her well. We also welcome back Ms. Kate Leddy who has returned from her career break. Ms. Leddy will be teaching 1st and 2nd class this year. Mr. Ruddy will be remaining in 3rd and 4th, Ms. Clayton has 5th and 6th and Mrs. Ryan is our Learning Support Teacher.

Enrolment – We are very happy to welcome thirteen new children to Scoil Cholmcille this year.  Our enrolment is at 105.

Thank you – Maureen Mulryan, John Keelan and Tom Kennedy have been doing a great job getting the school ready during the summer months.  Please be sure to thank them when you see  them.  They have done a terrific job!

Communication – The school has a text-a-parent facility that is used to issue reminders of school events and in case of emergency closures. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that the school has up to date contact details.

Safety – The safety of the children who attend Scoil Cholmcille is paramount. In order to ensure safety, please park your car responsibly when dropping or collecting your children.

Parents/Guardians should note the following:

  • There is a designated bus bay to the left of the school gates. This must be left clear at all times.

Uniform – Children should wear school tracksuit on designated PE days only.

Full school uniform should be worn on all other days.

Illness – If your child contracts a contagious illness or any condition that is likely to affect others, please inform the school.

Healthy Eating – We ask all parents to ensure that their children are adhering to the school’s Healthy Eating Policy. A copy of the Healthy Eating Policy can be viewed under the Policies tab on the website.

Finally, it is my great privilege to be a part of this wonderful school.  My door is always open to you so I can hear your suggestions or concerns. I look forward to working with you for the best interest of your child!  We are partners in education! Thank you!


Lorraine O’Loughlin

