
Dear parents/guardians,

Happy New Year.

Unfortunately it is not the start to the 2021 school year that anyone had wished for.

As you are aware, the school holidays have been extended until Monday January 11th. There has been a lot of speculation in the media about schools re-opening and it is hoped that we will have clarification on this by tomorrow evening (Wednesday January 6th).

If the government decided that schools are to remain closed, we will be in touch via Class Dojo with plans as to what will happen from Monday January 11th.

As you may remember, a Remote Learning Policy was drafted and approved in October 2020. The policy may be viewed here:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://mounthanover.scoilnet.ie/blog/files/2020/10/Remote-teaching-and-learning-plan-Oct-2020.pdf” title=”Remote teaching and learning plan Oct 2020″]

We will use this policy to guide our online learning should the decision be made to close the schools.

This is an anxious time for our whole school community, but I am confident that we can all work together to get through this uncertain time safely.

Kind regards,

Lorraine O’Loughlin

