Please take note of the following events:
- Clothes Collection: Bags may be dropped to the school on Friday November 23rd & Thursday November 29th.
- GAA Training: Friday November 16th & every Thursday from Thursday November 22nd. All class groups.
- Book Fair Poster Competition: Design a poster for the Book Fair. There are 5 €7 vouchers on offer (1 per classroom & 1 special merit prize). Posters to be returned to the class teacher by Friday November 23rd.
- Book Fair: Monday November 26th – Friday November 30th.
- Toy Show Disco: Friday November 30th 6 – 8pm in the GP Room.
- Food Collection for St. Vincent de Paul: Any donations of food/perishable items for the annual St.Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal to be donated by the week of December 3rd- 7th.