Many thanks to those who turned out last night and attended the AGM.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Parent’s Association for all their hard work and support during the past school year. I would also like to wish Aoife well as she takes a step back from the association. Thank you for your years of dedicated service.
The following are the main points from last nights meeting:
Fundraisers for this school year:
- Halloween Disco in Bellewstown Hall from 7-9 pm on Friday October 23rd.
- Halloween Raffle: (Halloween hampers: 1 per class). Tickets will be on sale in school with the raffle to take place at the disco.
- Coffee Morning: date is yet to be decided.
- Carol Singing: December 5th in Scotch Hall.
- Christmas Raffle (variety of spot prizes)
- Easter Raffle (Easter egg hampers, 1 per class)
- Bake Sale
- Non Uniform Days: Every Friday in Term 3
- Summer Fete and Sponsored Walk.
All monies raised from these events benefits the children in Mount Hanover. During the last school year funds raised went towards:
- Buses to various events e.g. football matches, soccer blitz, basketball, mass as part of Sacramental preparation.
- Treats for the children e.g. Visit from Santa, Ice Cream Van at school fete and again at the end of school term, raffle prizes, food after the football final, medals for sports day and food/drinks for sports day.
- Oil supply for the school.
- Contribution towards the cost of the schools’ insurance premium.
Of course, all this wouldn’t be possible without the fantastic support of the families attending Scoil Cholmcille, Mount Hanover, and for that I would like to thank you all on behalf of the staff and Board of Management.