Nov 26th- 30th 2018

Please note the following events for this week:

  • Book Fair: GP Room. Mon Nov 26th – 30th. Times as follows 9 am, 1.30 pm, 2.30 pm.
  • Clothing Collection: Bags to be dropped at the GP Room at your convenience.
  • Non-Uniform Day: Friday November 30th. €1 donation per child. Theme: “Toy Show/Christmas”.
  • School Disco: Friday November 30th. 6 – 8 pm in the GP Room. Price: €5 per child/€10 per family. Children are not allowed outdoors during the disco.
  • Food Collection: We are hosting a food collection for St. Vincent de Paul. All donations (food etc) are much appreciated. All goods to be donated before December 7th.