Mobile Phones & Electronic Devices

Mobile Phones & Electronic Devices

The use of mobile phones by children who attend the school is not allowed while the children are in the care of the school staff, while at school, on trips from the school or involved in extra-curricular activities.

The children should, therefore, not bring mobile phones and other personal devices to school or when engaging in school-related activities.

Any child found to intentionally have a phone in school without permission will have the phone confiscated. The phone will not be returned until a parent/guardian collects it. Similarly, the use of all personal electronic devices is not permitted during the school day – this includes arrival, class time, breaks and dismissal.

Where a pupil is found by a member of staff to be using a mobile phone or other personal device for any purpose, it will be confiscated from the pupil and returned only to the parent/guardian.

The School will not be liable for replacing mobile phones or other devices that are lost, stolen or damaged.

If a pupil uses a mobile phone or personal device to take photographs, video footage or recording of other pupils or staff members, or shares inappropriate messages via Bluetooth or other methods (apps etc. ), this will be regarded as serious unacceptable behaviour, or very serious unacceptable behaviour, and disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the School’s Discipline Policy

Thank you for your ongoing support and co-operation with this.
