Dear Parents/Guardians,
Head lice is a recurring problem that affects all school children and all schools.
Unfortunately, this school year there appears to be more of it recurring on a more regular basis and although parents have been informed, the problem is not resolving. Other local schools are also having similar problems.
As you must realise this is not a problem that we can deal with in school. We rely on the parent body to resolve this within their own families, so that spreading of the lice does not recur.
We are asking that every parent in the school checks their child’s hair for lice this evening at home time. If your child has head lice, treat it immediately, today or tomorrow at the latest. Boys’ hair as well as girls’ hair need to be checked and treated if infected.
Parents should also encourage their children to tie their hair up in a pony-tail or plait for the foreseeable future.