Drop-Off & Collection: Reminder

Drop-Off & Collection: Reminder

Morning Drop-Off:

All the children will enter and leave the building through the Side Door.

To minimise the risks, and to help us to maintain social distancing, the children may not come onto the school grounds before the school doors open at 8.50 a.m. Anyone arriving before this time, must wait in their car.

Parents are asked to ‘drop and go’ in the car park/main front gate anytime between 8.50 a.m. and 9.20 a.m. No parking will be allowed. Buses to arrive at staggered times.

Please note the following:

  • Children will go directly to their classrooms on arrival.
  • Under no circumstances are parents to linger in the car park after the child has been handed over but are to leave immediately.
  • Parents are asked not to congregate in groups or stand around chatting.


2.30 p.m. Children travelling on Pat’s bus will be walked to the front gate.

2.35 p.m. Children travelling on Mick’s bus will be walked to the gate.

2.40 p.m. Class teachers will bring First and Second Class to the school gate. Mams/Dads are asked to drive in, ‘pick up and go’. Families that have children in Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Class as well as in First and Second Class, may collect all their children at this time.

2.45 p.m. Class teachers will bring Third & Fourth class & any siblings to the gate.

2. 50 p.m. Class teachers will bring remaining children from Fifth and Sixth Classes to the school gate. Mams/Dads are asked to drive in, ‘pick up and go’. Supervision will be provided until 2.55 p.m.

Please note the following:

  • Children must proceed directly to their car/bus at home time and there will no play time allowed at this time.
  • When collecting, parents must wait outside the school in their cars. If you have to come to the gate please maintain social distancing (2m) in the evening time when waiting.
  • It is essential that all parents adhere to the drop-off and collection plans outlined- arriving at designated times etc.
  • We ask for co-operation with these times as it will mean that the numbers congregating  at any one time will be minimised. Congestion will be eased if families adhere to these times and arrive at their appointed time.
  • All must leave immediately after collection.