The Parents Council of Scoil Cholmcille would like to say a big thanks to all those who contributed to the Bake Sale on Sunday May 10th. For all the parents and volunteers who gave up their time to help out by baking cakes, donating raffle prizes and of course attending the sale we gratefully thank you for your support.
Many thanks to the athletics club who kindly allowed us the use of their canopy and to the parish groups for the use of their tables. It is wonderful to see the various community groups helping one another out!
The funds raised by the Bake Sale will go towards the cost of the buses to and from the church for sacramental practice, buses to sporting events and hospitality events.
The next event is the annual school fete which will take place on Sunday June 7th on the school grounds. We are looking for your suggestions and ideas regarding the school fete so please get in touch!!