April assembly: April assembly took place today. The following children were awarded prizes.
Pupil of the Month: Holly Doyle, Alex Kelly, Aran Breach, AnnaliseHarris, Amy McEnteggart, Francesco Orioles, Chloe Cromwell,Adam Dowd, Jake Lawlor, Jack McHale, Karl Miland, Tess Burke,Aaron McEnteggart, Kate Cromwell, Taigue Donagh and AineO’Sullivan.
Handwriting Awards: Maisie Flood, Charlie Stacey, Evan Hoey, JylesGogan, Jake Cudden, Loclainn Harris, Sarah Wilson and LucasMcKeen.
Gaeilgeoir Na Míosa: Padraic McGinty, Rocky Gogan, Freya Manley,Luke Cooney, Cormac Sweeney, Isabella Gogan, Ciarán O’Sullivan and Aine O’Sullivan.