The following strategies may be used to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour:
These strategies will be used at the teacher’s discretion.
Pupils should be friendly and courteous to teachers, pupils and visitors.
1. School Opening Time
The school building opens at 9.05am and formal class 9.15am. Pupils are expected to be on time.
2. Absences
Pupils are required to attend school regularly and for any absences, children should as a matter of courtesy bring a note of explanation with them on their return.
3. Leaving School Early
Parents are required to inform the school if their child is leaving early for any reason.
4. School Uniform
Pupils are requested to wear the school uniform daily and be dressed appropriately for PE (i.e. the school tracksuit)
5. School Property
It is forbidden to deface school property by writing on walls or school furniture. Respect for the property of other pupils should always be shown.
6. Chewing Gum
No chewing gum allowed on the school premises or grounds at any time.
7. Phone Calls
Pupils may not make or receive phone calls without the permission of the Principal. Mobile phones are not allowed in school and any breaches will be dealt with in line with the Code of Behaviour.
8. Substance Abuse
Tobacco, drink and all illegal drugs are banned from the school.
9. Instructions
Pupils must follow all reasonable instruction given by any teacher, permanent, part- time, substitute or temporary in school.
10. Homework
Pupils are expected to comply with the school Homework Policy.
11. Lunches
Pupils are required to comply with the school Healthy Eating Policy.
12. Bullying
Bullying will not be tolerated in the school. (See Anti Bullying Policy)
13. Break Time
14. Litter
Children should keep the school and grounds litter free.
15. Class Rules
At the beginning of each year, the class teacher will draft a list of class rules with the children. These will reflect and support the school rules. They should where possible emphasise positive behaviour.
At the beginning of each academic year a copy of the Code of Discipline and the Anti-Bullying Policy will be available to view on the school website or in hard copy (upon request). Parents will be required to sign a form acknowledging acceptance of the Code of Discipline and Anti Bullying Policy upon enrolment.
There is a school Anti Bullying Policy in place. The Code of Discipline and Anti Bullying will be subject to evaluation and review.
Find out more information on the general running of our school here.
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The constitutional rights of all children to an education need to be protected from disruptive behaviour. It is widely acknowledged that the greatest obstacle to effective teaching is the continually disruptive child. Consequently, children who offend regularly in one or more of the following ways will have sanctions imposed against them: talking in class, not listening to directions, explanations etc. failing to comply with requests, interrupting others and not giving them a chance to answer, shouting out requests instead of raising hand for attention, eating food, sweets, getting out of place and moving around the classroom without permission, making unreasonable noise with furniture. The following guidelines on classroom behaviour will be given to all pupils:
In the interest of safety the following rules will apply in the playground
Where possible behaviour is promoted through a system of rewards and positive reinforcement. Good behaviour is rewarded through systems of tokens and stickers and Class Dojo points. These tokens/stickers/points enable the children to earn concrete rewards for their behaviour, application, attitude and concentration e.g. homework pass, computer pass etc. This enables pupils, parents and teachers to see that there are tangible benefits from behaving in a positive manner.
In order to create a positive atmosphere the school needs to establish a healthy balance between punishments and rewards. It is hoped that the children will realize that there are real benefits from positive behaviour for themselves and others but that negative behaviour will:
There is a school Anti Bullying Policy in place. The Code of Discipline and Anti Bullying will be subject to evaluation and review.
Find out more information on the general running of our school here.
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