Parents Association News

Dear Parent / Guardian

The Year Ahead

Welcome to all our new parents/guardians and welcome back to our existing parents/guardians.  Now that we have had a few weeks to settle back into our routines, we wanted to let you know what we have planned, propose for the coming school year.

One of our aims for this year is to reduce the number of letters we send out to parents/guardians.  To enable us to do this we have set up a Facebook group Scoil Cholmcille Mount Hanover PA, this is a closed group and we will be posting any relevant news, event details, relevant information etc, so please if you are on Facebook search for us and send us a request.

Our Halloween raffle prizes will be in school this week.  Raffle tickets will be available to buy for €1 each or 6 for €5.  Tickets are available to purchase from Teachers.

The template for the children’s Christmas cards were sent home last week.  We were asking that these be returned to school by 17th October.  Following the issues caused by Storm Ophelia this deadline will be extended to the end of the week, 20th October. We ask that you please return the template regardless of whether you/your child wish to participate.

Our first event of the year will be;

Halloween Disco               

 Friday 27th October                           

  6pm – 8pm


This will be in the GP room, €5 per child or €10 per family.  There will be a tuck shop, tea & coffee, healthy options too.  All are welcome, we would encourage all parents to join in you are never too old to dress up.  If you can’t stay we would ask that you let your children know that they will not be allowed outside, and also provide a contact number just in case of emergency.  We are a small committee and as such we cannot accept responsibility for any children who leave the GP room.


We have a lot to look forward to this year, Carol singing in Scotch Hall 2nd December, a visit from Santa.  What prizes will we have for this year’s Christmas raffle?  Pancake Day, 13th February 2018, will surely be a hit with the children.  What will March hold? We will have a book fair, dates to be confirmed, and maybe some Shamrock sales.  April will bring a Quiz Night; we will fit in a coffee morning or two. Our last school term will bring non uniform days and our Summer Fete which is going to be on the 10th June 2018.


Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to having a great year.


If you have any queries, please contact the above number or email


Parents Association
