The AGM of the Parents Association takes place on Thursday next, September 29th, at 7.30pm.
Please read the following note from the PA:
The Parents Association of Mount Hanover School would like to welcome you back after the summer break and would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new families.
We will be having our AGM on Thursday the 29th September @7:30pm in the school. We would encourage all parents to come along as this is your opportunity to provide your input.
The aims of the Association are:
To exchange practical participation and co-operation betweenparents and teachers
To provide information for Parents as requested, by way ofdiscussion, talk etc.
To encourage practical assistance in the school
To provide a forum for the exchange of information between theBoard of Management and the Parents Association
To raise funds for extra expenses incurred in the running of theschool
Last Year we had our usual fundraising events such as the 5K run,Halloween, Easter & Christmas raffles. Additional fundraising events also included a Coffee morning, a school disco and a church gate collection.
Monies raised from these events were used to pay for buses to football trips, medals for sports day and refreshments for school events. In recent years school grants have been cut and on occasion the school have had to come to the Parents Association to obtain money for essentials such as school insurance &purchase of books for the book rental scheme. In the current climate it is essential that the Parents Association are able to continue with their various fundraising activities. To this end we would welcome new parents to the committee, with fresh ideas,energy & enthusiasm.
We would ask that at least one Parent/Guardian from each family to come along to the AGM on Wednesday evening. There will be Tea and Coffee available from 7pm.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your helpand generous support over the last year, Thank you!
Yours sincerely,
The Parents Association