Please see below the following arrangements that will be in place for the safe re-opening of our school.
Return to school of pupils:
All pupils will be in school from Monday March 15th. There will be a staggered drop off in place from 8.50 am – 9.20 pm.
A “drop and go” system will be in place. Parents/guardians are not permitted to enter the school yard.
Children (3rd-6th Class) are to bring their class boxes back with them on Monday and the staff on yard will help them to carry the boxes.
The pupils will all use the side door to enter and leave the building like they were doing in Term 1.
Lunch/Break Times:
We will have two 2 x 20 minute staggered break times:
Lower Half of the School:
o Infants
o 3rd & 4th Class
▪ Break Time: 10.40 – 11.00
▪ Lunch Time: 12.30 – 12.50
Upper Half of the school:
o 1st /2nd
o 5th /6th Class
▪ Break Time: 11.10 – 11.30
▪ Lunch Time: 1.00 – 1.20
Home time:
Pupils will leave via the side door and will be walked to the school gates.
Parents will collect their child from the school gate.
Don’t delay, Drive away – no gathering of parents will be permitted.
Parents must wear a mask when stepping out of the car.
Please arrive at your appointed time only to help ease congestion and to leave the parking spaces free for those on earlier collection times.
Summary of Collection Times:
1.45 Stop, pick up go –Junior & Senior Infants
2.30 Bus (Pat’s Bus)
2.35 Bus (Mick’s Bus)
2.40 Stop, pick up go – 1st / 2nd & Siblings in other classes
2.45 Stop, pick up go – 3rd / 4th & siblings
2.50 Stop, pick up go – 5th/6th Class (remaining children)
Symptoms of Covid 19:
If your child displays any of the following symptoms, they should not come to school: High temperature, cough, loss of smell/taste, shortness of breath, and flu like symptoms.
If we suspect any change in the baseline health of your child during the school day, we will call you immediately for you to collect your child. The child will then wait in the isolation room until they are collected.
All staff will wear medical grade masks.
Pupils do not have to wear masks but they may do so if they wish.
Hand washing and Sanitisers:
Sanitisers are in place in every classroom/main area/exits and entrances etc.
Pupils will sanitise their hands upon arrival.
Pupils will hand wash before and after eating and outdoor break times.
They will sanitise regularly during the school day.
The classroom windows and doors will be opened fully in the mornings, at break & lunch times and when pupils finish school.
They will be opened slightly when the pupils are in the class.
Pupils should wear an extra layer of clothing to allow for current weather.
Return to School Form for each pupil:
Please complete the “Back to School” Declaration prior to your child returning on March 15th.
Pupils cannot return to school without this form.
Training videos:
Please watch the following video to familiarise you and your child with protocols for maintaining the best possible safety standards in our school.
– Video on how to wash hands.