Dear parents/guardians,
I am pleased to advise that the next phase of school reopening will commence from 15th March 2021. The children from 3rd-6th class will return to school from Monday March 15th.
1. We all play a part:
We all need to remain vigilant when we return and continue to follow the public health guidance of hand washing, social distancing and mask wearing.
Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19, have been in contact with a confirmed case or a suspected case or if you have travelled outside of Ireland.
2. Children’s wellbeing is central:
Each family has had different experiences over the past few weeks and our initial emphasis will be settling the children back into school and supporting their wellbeing.
The following may be of interest to you: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/af24b-wellbeing-guidance-documents-for-parents-students-and-schools/#parents-primary-schools
3. Responsibility of Parents:
Thank you for all that you have done during the first term to support the school in terms of safe practices. We now ask that all are particularly vigilant as we start to re-open.
In addition to revising hygiene practices above with your children, please observe the following:
– Communication with the school should be by phone or online only.
– Please adhere to public health guidelines and do not to congregate at the school
– Please drop and go in the morning time.
– Please do not enter the school yard.
– When parents are collecting children please stand 2m apart and do not congregate.
– I am asking that all wear masks at this time please
Public Health advice is that children do not to go to other houses and we respectfully ask that children do not arrange to go home with other children for playdates etc.
We would be grateful if you would sanitise books before return and wipe down the plastic boxes.
Please complete the “Back to School” Declaration prior to your child returning on March 15th.
This must be completed before your child can return to school.
A wide range of supports and videos in regards to the return to school can be viewed at the following website:
If your child has any of the following symptoms of Covid-19, do not send them to school and contact your GP:
• A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
• Any other common symptoms of Covid-19 – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath or an existing breathing condition that has become worse
• Been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19
• Been living with someone who is unwell and may have Covid-19
• Other uncommon symptoms of Covid-19, such as sore throat, headaches or diarrhoea
• Returned from another country in the last 14 days.
The Covid-19 Response Statement has been updated as has the Risk Assessment. These documents include updated guidance on ventilation in schools. The classroom windows and doors will be fully opened in the mornings, at break and lunch times and when students finish school. They will remain partially open during class time as per guidance received from the Department. Pupils should wear an extra layer of clothing to allow for current weather.
Attached to this post you will find a handy FAQ document on the return to school.
Looking forward to welcoming back the children in the Senior end on Monday.
Kind regards,
L O’Loughlin