4th Class

Welcome to Ms. Lisa Maher's 4th Class

Welcome to our classroom!

Here is a copy of the school calendar for 2023/2024:

School Calendar 2023/2024

Classroom Gallery

Our Classroom News!

2024/2025 School Year

The school reports have been posted home this week.

You will find a copy of the school calendar for 2024/2025 and a note on how to pay school photocopying fees enclosed with the reports.

Art and Craft material, photocopying and stationery:                                   €40

Personal Pupil Insurance (24hr cover) **Optional**                                    €9

Payment can be made online through the following portal:


Please ensure payment is made on or before Friday September 20th 2024.

School Calendar for 2024/2025:

Music Generation Performance

In April, our 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Class children participated in a Music Generation Performance. This was a joint performance with the 3rd & 4th classes from Bellewstown and Ardcath NS. The children had the opportunity to play with a group called ‘Glas Quartet’.

A huge congratulations to all who took part. I think you’ll agree that it is a very polished performance for students who have spent only 6 months learning to play the violin.


Full concert: https://youtu.be/O5N7-DdnI_U

Highlights: https://youtu.be/J5BtkM4_Czg

Children’s Performance: https://youtu.be/_8eiCme5IUc

Music Generation Performance

A huge congratulations to our 3rd – 6th Class students who took part in a very special performance today in our GP Room.

The performance was organised by Music Generation. They have been teaching the children violin since September.

Today the children got the chance to perform with a group, ‘Glas Quartet’. 3rd & 4th Class from Bellewstown NS & Ardcath NS also joined us for the performance.

It was such a special occasion and one that I’m sure the children will remember for a long time.

Well done everyone!!

Easter Events!

How lucky were we to have the Easter Bunny visit us before the holidays!!

We also had an Easter Egg hunt. It was so much fun!!

There was also an Easter Egg raffle. The hampers were kindly donated by Mount Hanover Farms. One hamper was raffled per classroom. Congratulations to the lucky winners!!

Say Yes to Languages

In term 2 the children in 3rd,4th,5th & 6th Class participated in the ‘Say Yes to Languages’ initiative. Thank you to Elena from ‘Lingotot Drogheda & East Meath’ for facilitating the Spanish lessons.

Standardised Testing Dates 2024

Standardised testing for the children in 1st – 6th Class will take place on the following dates.

If at all possible, please avoid booking holidays for these dates.
o Spelling: February 27th & 28th
o Reading: May 8th & 9th
o Maths: May 28th & 29th

Student Corner

Notes & Reminders

The School Day:

8.50: Drop Off

2.30: Home Time

General Notes:

Tracksuit to be worn on PE day only

Healthy Eating Policy:

At Scoil Cholmcille, we have a healthy eating policy. The children are encouraged to eat fruit and veg. Sweets, chocolate, biscuits and crisps are not allowed in school.

As Scoil Cholmcille is a NUT FREE SCHOOL, we would ask that parents do not give their children nut products for lunch.

Tips for Parents:

Helping_your_child_in_3rd & 4th

Maths Tips: Division


Helping your Child at Home with Maths

Useful Class Links

Kids Website Directories

Links to the best of the children’s web sites and all of the sites have been checked and approved for kids.


The Internet Public Library Youth Division has seemingly endless sites of a more educational nature.

Helpful Free Apps

Little Writer–The Tracing App for Kids

Free app for tracing letters and learning all the sounds and letter formation of the alphabet.

Eggs on Legs

App where kids have to solve the maths problems to crack open the quirky eggs on legs.

Star Walk – 5 Stars Astronomy Guide

An App where you can point your iPad or iPhone at the sky and see what stars, constellations, and satellites you are looking at in real-time.

PopMath Basic Math

PopMath is a fun game for kids of all ages to practice basic math.


Yahooligans is a browsable, searchable directory of Internet sites for kids. Each site has been carefully checked by an experienced educator to ensure the content and links are appropriate for young people. The site is primarily aimed at primary age readers

Class Booklist

Reading Corner

Nothing Found, Stay Tuned Though!

Extra Information

Useful Websites:

http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/ – a variety of Maths games and English games


Launched Sept 2012. Includes audio and video content to support parents with literacy difficulties and links to others websites providing more detailed information on specific topics. The site is designed for parents, grandparents and carers of children aged 0 – 12 years and is searchable according to the child’s age.


Providing lots of information and activities on History, Geography & Science broken down into class levels.


Providing a range of resources, worksheets, and project information for all subjects within the Irish primary curriculum broken down by class levels.


Discover Primary Science is a flagship project run by the Discover Science & Engineering (DSE) awareness programme. The programme aims to show children how important and fun science can be!


A database of Irish terms containing over 270,000 terms, searchable under both Irish and English versions.

Vikings Network Ireland

A site devoted to the history of the Vikings in Ireland


Webwise.ie educates on safer usage of the Internet. Aimed at students, teachers and parents it also promotes the positive aspects of using the Internet and informs on how to deal with the risks.