Mid Term Break
School closes to students at 12 noon on Wednesday February 14th to facilitate staff training in Child Protection. The school will remain closed on Thursday
School closes to students at 12 noon on Wednesday February 14th to facilitate staff training in Child Protection. The school will remain closed on Thursday
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. We hope to have Fr. John Conlon with us on Wednesday to distribute ashes
Tomorrow is Pancake Tuesday. The Parents Association will be providing pancakes for all the students tomorrow. Yum! Yum!
The Chinese New Year takes place on Friday. 2018 is the Year of the Dog.
We celebrated Safer internet Day 2018 by creating posters in the Infant Classroom. Well done everyone! #up2us
Some examples of the beautiful handwriting produced by the children in Junior Infants.
Best of luck to our 2nd Class Students who are making their First Confession tonight at 7pm in the school. A special word of thanks
Today is Safer Internet Day 2018. The following may be of interest to you: Five Things Internet Safety
Gaeilgeoir na Míosa Handwriting Winners Pupils of the Month Our January Assembly was held today. At assembly the following children were awarded prizes: Pupil
Child Protection: We will close at 12 noon on Wednesday February 14th & at 12 noon on Friday May 4th to facilitate staff training for
We have had a very busy start of term here in the Infant Classroom. Here are a selection of photos of the activities we have
First Confession: The First Confession will take place on February 6th at 7pm in the school. Best of luck to all the children involved. First
The date provisionally booked for the 6th class Graduation/End of Year Mass is Friday June 15th.
We have in the process of booking the school tour for this coming year. The date we are provisionally booking is Friday June 8th. More
Standardised testing will take place on May 1st, 2nd & 3rd for English and May 29th, 30th & 31st for Maths for children in 1st
Best of luck to our Quiz Team of Bailey, Luke, Rhys and Conor. They are taking part in the Duleek Credit Union Quiz this Sunday
Relationships and Sexuality education (RSE) is an integral part of the S.P.H.E programme. The sensitive elements of the Relationships and Sexuality education programme are covered
Please use the link below to access the Garda Vetting Form. It is important that all school volunteers be Garda Vetted to ensure the safety and
Safer Internet Day takes place this year on Tuesday February 6th. Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet
A gentle reminder regarding school uniforms: Tracksuits are to be worn on P.E. days only. Please ensure your child is wearing their full school uniform
Please see the following message received from Duleek Bellewstown GAA: Calling all Quiz enthusiasts – Scór na nÓg starting at 6pm sharp. Scór Sinsir starting
The HSE has issued advice to schools to assist with managing the current flu season. The following leaflet provides specific advice for parents on Influenza
A selection of pictures from our Christmas Assembly and our special visitor who arrived on Friday December 22nd!
Vanessa will be recommencing her art class from Tuesday January 16th 2018. It is open to children from Senior Infants up. The cost is €50
Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely and refreshing Christmas and New Year break. I cannot believe that we are into Term
Well done to all our Raffle winners today. Here we have the lucky winners of the Nintendo Switch! December Assembly Winners Daltaí na Míosa-
A selection of photos of the work completed by the children in Vanessa’s art class. Well done everyone!
A very special delivery for the children in Junior and Senior Infants this morning from Elfie!
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