Art & Craft Materials
The Art and Craft materials, photocopying & stationery fees are now due. The cost is €40 for students in Senior Infants -2nd Class & €55 for students in 3rd-6th
The Art and Craft materials, photocopying & stationery fees are now due. The cost is €40 for students in Senior Infants -2nd Class & €55 for students in 3rd-6th
Uniforms Children are to wear their school tracksuits on PE days only. If you are unsure of your child’s PE day please contact the
Dear parents/guardians, I would like to draw your attention to the following: The teachers are using “Class Dojo” as a behavioural management and communication tool.
Please find attached an application for for the Allianz Pupil Insurance Scheme for 2018/2019. If you wish to avail of this scheme please complete the
Scoil Cholmcille is a “Nut Free Zone” as we have a student with a nut allergy. We cannot allow children to bring any nut based
Dear Parents, Welcome back to another school year. We wish all our students health and happiness in the year ahead. Welcome to our new pupils,
The school will open to receive pupils at the hour of 9.05 a.m. No responsibility is accepted for pupils arriving before that time. Classes will formally commence each day
School reopens tomorrow, Wednesday August 29th, at 9.05 am. We are looking forward to getting to know our new students and welcoming back all our
Dear parents/guardians, Please see the following note from the Department of Education & Skills in relation to the Primary Online Database (POD). GDPR and Data
Please see the following note from the Department of Education: “Dear parents, a new post-primary school will be established to serve the Drogheda and Laytown
Certificate Winners June 2018 Attendance Certificate Winners for perfect attendance this year.
School closes at 12 noon this Friday, June 22nd for the Summer Holidays. As we reach the end of the School Year I would like
On Tuesday the Infants and 5th/6th class worked together with Ms. Dooley to create a QR code scavenger hunt. The children really enjoyed taking the
Yesterday, 1st and 2nd Class travelled to Scoil Bhríde, Dunleer to visit the children they have been writing letters to all year. We played an
Congratulations to our 6th class students today on their graduation. A special word of thanks to their teacher, Ms. O’Donnell, for preparing them so well
School Admissions 2021/2022 Annual Report Please use the link below to view the 2017/2018 Report from the Board of Management. BoM Annual Report 2018
The sixth class school tour will take place on Monday June 18th to Causey Farm. The bus will leave at 9.05 and return for the
End of School Year Mass: Our End of School Year Mass and 6th Class Graduation takes place tomorrow, Friday June 15th at 11 am in
Some of the yummy cupcakes from the fete on Sunday. Field events with thanks to David Doyle.
Well done to all the children who took part in the Track & Field event today in Claremount Stadium, Navan. Thank you to Mrs. Ryan
Reminder: Stamped self addressed envelope required for the End of Year Reports. Reports will be posted home on June 15th. Please give a stamped self
Please note the following upcoming events taking place this week: Saturday/Sunday June 9th & 10th: Church Gate Collection in Duleek & Bellewstown Mass Times: Bellewstown
Best of luck to all our past pupils starting their Leaving and Junior Certificates today.
On Tuesday, we went to Dublin Zoo for our school tour. We were blessed with a beautiful day. We began our tour by meeting
Our May assembly took place today. Well done to all our performers and prize winners.
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