The children in 5th & 6th class will visit Sonairte tomorrow.
The visit will run from 10am to 12.40pm and will include 30 minutes for lunch.
This project is funded by Meath County Council and the EU through Local Agenda 21 funding and covers both workshop providers and bus hire.
More about the project:
The aim of the project is to provide a fun, educational workshop connecting composting, waste, biodiversity and nature. We explore the value of household waste particularly food and garden materials, and the role biodiversity has to play in nature, not to mention breaking down our food waste. Compost can only be created with the help of a diversity of microorganisms and insects. Students will explore the importance of healthy soil rich in biodiversity, and they will learn about the bugs and insects involved in the composting process – breaking down dead materials and turning them into nutritious plant food and healthy soil.The students will also learn some of the alternatives to peat based compost and chemical fertilizers which are both non renewable.
Furthermore It is estimated that one third of all food we purchase is wasted ( Viewing household waste, particularly food another way, and learning how to reduce it, may change waste habits at home and perhaps convert a few to take on composting.
We also seek to inspire a sense of nature awareness and connection through games and activities, holding that we will not protect what we do not love. Sonairte’s beautiful woodland trail offers a fantastic opportunity for pupils to understand biodiversity in a different setting, an Irish woodland ecosystem. The workshops will entail group work, experiential learning, nature activities and games.