Mid Term Break
School closes to students at 12 noon on Wednesday February 14th to facilitate staff training in Child Protection. The school will remain closed on Thursday
School closes to students at 12 noon on Wednesday February 14th to facilitate staff training in Child Protection. The school will remain closed on Thursday
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. We hope to have Fr. John Conlon with us on Wednesday to distribute ashes
Tomorrow is Pancake Tuesday. The Parents Association will be providing pancakes for all the students tomorrow. Yum! Yum!
The Chinese New Year takes place on Friday. 2018 is the Year of the Dog.
We celebrated Safer internet Day 2018 by creating posters in the Infant Classroom. Well done everyone! #up2us
Some examples of the beautiful handwriting produced by the children in Junior Infants.
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