
Scoil Cholmcille & Gaeilge!

We try and foster a positive attitude towards the learning of Irish here in mount Hanover NS. Children are encouraged to speak Irish throughout the school day. A large emphasis is placed on the teaching of Irish through oral language through singing songs, reciting poems and rhyme and playing oral language games and activities. Our main goal is to get the children communicating in Irish, to use their ‘cúpla focail’ and give it a go. As the seanfhocal says:

“Is fear Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste”

“Broken Irish is better than clever English”

Gaeilge Schools Gallery

Our Schools Gaeilge News!


  • Brush up on your Gaeilge skills during the school closure.

  • Lots of Gaeilge posters to be found here.

  • Gaeilge stories, poems and games can be found here.

  • A fun Gaeilge game can be played here.

  • More Gaeilge games to play at home.

TG4: Gaeilge Resources

The  following programmes, activities and fun for all children as Gaeilge with TG4’s Cúla 4 might be helpful to you all during this closure.

How to Find Cúla 4:
TG4 Weekdays 7-9.30am and 3-6pm
Cú Catch up with all Cúla programmes on the website as well as play in Irish.  Interactive games such as an aimsir. Create your own weather at home as Gaeilge.   catch up online with all your favourite programmes.

Youtube Cúla4 – playlists activities and entertainment for all age groups

Cúla4 App is a free APP from TG4. Let your children, explore, learn and be entertained with. On start-up, the viewer is guided to the relevant viewing zone that is appropriate to their age group. There are 2 age zones in the APP- a pre-school area and an over 6 years zone. The Cúla Caint game is interactive and great for vocabulary as Gaeilge for children of all ages to learn in a fun way.  Find on the App Store –  or the Google Playstore  –

Youtube Cúla 4 for Older Children
Youtube Cúla 4 has a series of playlists that are entertaining as well as educational for children to try at home.
Is Eolaí Mé features a playlist of scientific experiments from the show that children can try at home.
CIC Soccer skills with Cúla 4.

Gaeilge ar Scoil

Tá na páistí i Rang a Cúig agus Rang a Sé ag iarraidh níos mó Gaeilge a labhairt ar scoil.

The boys and girls are trying hard to be ‘ag caint ar an gCéadaoin’ to help improve their informal Irish.

Maith sibh!

Gaeilge Student Corner

Focal of the Day

aisteach: strange

Part of speech: adjective
Example sentence: Is duine aisteach í. Ní labhaireann sí le h-éinne.
Sentence meaning: She is a strange person. She doesn’t speak to anyone.

Quick Notes

Cula4 – This site provides programmes and games that will support language skills in Irish. Your child will benefit greatly from listening to spoken Irish regularly at home, and it’s certain that they’ll enjoy the programmes on Cúla 4. If you’re not confident at reading Irish, click on the ‘English’ button to translate the site.

Extra Information

In order to assist your child in the learning of Irish, we encourage parents to use their ‘cúpla focail’ at home with their children. Below is the link to a fantastic booklet that is very useful for any parents that would like to improve their own Irish.…


Duolingo is an app which you may also like to download to help you improve your Irish speaking skills.

Bain trial as!! (Give it a go!!)

Useful Gaeilge Links

Here are some links to some helpful Gaeilge resources that will hopefully aid your child’s homework and learning in Gaeilge. We hope these links are useful.

(Click on link to open in a new tab/window)

Seomra Ranga:

Is Féidir Liom:


Abair Leat:


NCCA Curriculum Online:

Article on Irish Primary Resources

Our Schools Gaeilge Archive

View our Gaeilge progress throughout the years!